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Http & https protocol – differences

Http & https protocol - differences

 3 min read

The abbreviations http and https are always present when we browse the Internet. Entering a website address or copying it from the search field, we do not always think about the abbreviations that appear there. Does the difference between http and https affect the way we obtain information? Does switching from http to https affect SEO? The article you are just reading should dispel any doubts, you will learn: what is the https protocol, what are the differences compared to http and how to start using it.

What are the http and https protocols?

Http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is used to send data to the browser from the server. It allows communication between systems and browsing the network. The information sent by this protocol is not encrypted, therefore it is currently being abandoned. The http protocol focuses on the delivery of information, it does not take into account the way of its delivery or that it is safe.

Https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) as you can guess it is an updated http protocol with security features and the information sent over the protocol is encrypted. It uses an SSL certificate for data transfer for security purposes, which is used for example during Internet transactions. It prevents unauthorised users from accessing data.

What is the difference between http and https?

Differences are caused by https supported certificates: SSL and TLS.

SSL certificate blocks the possibility of unauthorised reading of information. It encrypts the information content, which is converted into a code. If the code is somehow intercepted, it cannot be read by unauthorised persons.

TLS certificate creates an additional layer of security. It serves primarily for data integrity and authentication.

Does switching from http to https affect SEO?

Here we can unanimously say yes, switching from http to https has a positive effect on SEO. Why? Let’s start with the fact that at the moment when https came into effect Google announced that websites with secure https protocol will be favoured by them. There is nothing surprising about this, due to the fact that everyone prefers not to take risks and is more likely to use sites that are secure. Users trust secure sites more and therefore will use them more often than competing sites without SSL certificate, which has a positive impact on conversions and traffic.

Why switch to the https protocol?

In addition to the previously mentioned SEO, it is becoming increasingly common for sites to be attacked by hackers in order to extract as much user information as possible. Such actions result in data leaks that can drastically affect the lives of many of us. The Internet has become an everyday reality, and consumers use it to manage their banking, carry out costly operations, send private photos, messages, emails and so on. The interference of third parties in these cases becomes a very great danger. Security is the most important advantage, which also leads to other benefits such as better results in Google, website traffic and conversions.

How to change http to https? – step by step

  1. Selection and purchase of an SSL certificate
  2. Redirecting http links to https
  3. Update graphics, internal and external links and redirects
  4. Adding the website again to Google Search Console
  5. Preparation of robots.txt file
  6. Page monitoring

Switching from http to https is not difficult, it is mainly checking all internal and external links. The work, despite being easy, can be time-consuming, especially for complex sites.


If your website has data from users, it is worth switching to the https protocol. A customer knowing that he or she is on a secure website is more likely to use it than a competitive website with the http protocol. Migrating to the https protocol brings many benefits, such as better traffic or conversion, but it is also one of the factors positively influencing SEO.

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